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Decisions to be taken to achieve an ideal news broadcast design

First and foremost, as time is of essence, the Designer should be notified thoroughly regarding all the requests in advance.

The factors affecting the design process are listed below. İdeal news broadcast design.

Screen Layout specifics:

· Simple

· Simple with texture

· American Style

· Other (please explain)

Location of the Channel Logo:

· Upper left

· Upper right

· Lower left

· Lower right

How should the News Ticker be structured?

· Double line (fixed font alternating in same positioning, multi-word)

· Single line (fixed font alternating in same positioning, less-word)

· Single line with scrolling text (multi-word)

Data Ticker Corner information verification metrics:

· Time / City Weather

· Time / City Weather / Currency News

· Time / Currency News

· Time

· Omit any Data Ticker

Should Data Ticker Corner information be fixed or rotational?

· Fixed

· Rotating

· Fixed time section with the rest of the Data Tickers rotational

Lower Third preferences?

· One line

· Double liner (spot + explanation)

· Other (provide further explanation)

Main Opener Design preferences:

· Abstracted from Logo

· Abstracted from Logo + Abstracted from World Map

· Abstracted from World Map

· Abstract

· Other (provide further explanation)


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